You already know that in order for your product to survive you need user growth. If you're not growing, you're losing money and time.
Now think about this... every single bit of effort you put into making your product grow all leads back to one thing... your landing page.
If your landing page can't communicate why your product can make a reader's problems go away, then you will never convince anyone to sign up. All that effort you put in is 100% wasted.
Now ask yourself... have you been giving your landing page the level of importance it deserves? Or have you treated it as an afterthought next to your product's development?
Download a Sample Chapter!
Landing page templates are everywhere. You can download them for free, buy them for next to nothing, or even sign up for a “landing page generator” web app that allows you to design one in a matter of seconds.
But it always comes back to the same thing…
You still need to fill the templates out.
What do you write? What do you talk about? Should you just mention your product and show a few screenshots?
What do you write on the sign up button? Will “Sign Up Now” work?
Maybe you should just copy the way a competitor is doing it? Their landing page looks great so it must be working well right?
Now imagine you had a landing page that you didn’t have to worry about. People would immediately understand exactly why they should use your product and quickly sign up to become a user.
What if you didn’t need to explain your concept, yet again, to another potential investor?
What if they were already excited to work with you because they saw your landing page and fully understand the concept, the benefits, and why people are already using it (and getting great results?)
The thing is, building an effective landing page is barely about the visual design at all. It’s about the words you write, how you write them, and the order you position them in.
This is why “free templates” or “landing page builders” aren’t some magic solution to creating an effective landing page.
They only serve one purpose… to help you build a crappy landing page faster.
You need to know what you’re doing when you’re building your landing page, but you don’t have time to invest in courses that teach you every aspect of web design and contain 500 hours of lessons.
You need a way to learn just the important points and be given specific instructions on how to write and position them on your page to make it start working for you.
I launched my first solo product in 2011. It was a web app. The home page of the app went straight to the interface.
After spending months and months marketing the product, I gave up.
Beaten down and confused, I swore to never build anything ever again and resign myself to a life of playing it safe and never taking any risks again.
Then I started reading a bit more about product development, specifically how important it is to be able to communicate the benefit of your product to a potential user.
That’s when I had my “aha” moment. All the marketing I was doing for my product… 100% of it went straight into the interface.
An interface that explained nothing. It was just a collection of images. No context at all for what it was even used for let alone how it would benefit someone by using it.
I actually gave them zero reason to sign up. That would explain why I had a total of 7 users.
Fast forward to today, I made sure to put lots of thought and time into the landing page for my new product (no, I didn’t stay beaten down forever).
Here’s what it currently looks like:
I know for a fact this landing page works, and clearly communicates the concept and benefits of signing up.
The best part? My marketing efforts actually have an impact on growth.
This feels so much better than soul crushing defeat.
You might think that “designing” a webpage is something only a designer can do.
And maybe you’re right. Maybe the “design” really is reserved for them. Being a designer myself I can tell you that creating a visual design from scratch is complicated, and certainly takes a great deal of skill.
But you’re not “designing” this page… you’re writing and structuring the content and elements. This is where the actual important stuff happens.
This can be easily done in a Google Doc and then handed off to a “magical designer” who can turn it into the actual “pretty landing page.”
You will never have to touch a piece of software or write a single line of code.
Once you understand how to properly structure your content on the landing page, the “design” part is just icing on the cake.
But what if you don’t know how to write the content?
What if you can’t afford a designer and need to put this whole thing together yourself?
What if you don’t have time to invest in all this “education” just to create a single web page?
You need a shortcut.
It is my 100% belief that armed with the internet, people have enough knowledge available to them today to accomplish almost anything.
The problem is time…
Take myself for example. Last year I popped the tire on my motorcycle. I needed to get it fixed, but I couldn’t drive it anywhere, and the only option was to hire a super special, expensive tow truck to come lift the bike out of my backyard.
The other option? Take the tire off myself and bring it in to be fixed.
All I needed was a bit of information on how to do it.
I had 2 choices:
Option 1 was was about 25+ hours of learning.
Option 2 took just the afternoon.
Which do you think I chose?
This is the power of information when it is presented in a step by step format.
It’s easy to follow, and it only addresses that stuff that is truly important in accomplishing the goal you set out to accomplish.
It’s a shortcut to accomplishing complicated tasks without spending hours and hours learning the “theory” behind what you’re doing.
This is exactly why it’s so easy to build your effective landing page following the steps I’ve outlined. Follow each step, place the element where it goes, then move on to the next step.
I often work with clients to help them redesign and improve their landing pages.
Last year, a startup came to me that needed help with their growth problem.
This was their landing page:
Off the top of your head… do you know what this app is for?
Something about… opinions? On… something?
It’s so vague, unclear, and “tagliney” that it’s impossible to understand any reason to sign up at all.
I spent a bit of time working with them, and in the end, this is what we came up with after the redesign:
Now do you get it?
Within a second you can tell the exact concept and benefit of the app.
This is a quick and simple example in the difference just a single sentence can make.
Pin and Tucker went on to win a position with a Paris based incubator. I like to think I helped a little bit.
Now imagine you could design your landing page to communicate the same kind of clairty about your product within just a few seconds of glancing at it?
These days, everyone under the age of 40 is “working on their startup” it seems.
This means there are a ton of competitors out there, and if you can’t convince someone why they should use you first, they’ll just hop over to your competitor's product and sign up for them instead.
Your landing page plays a vital role in this user acquisition process, and without a highly converting, effective landing page, all of the effort you put into marketing, growth hacking, or anything else is completely useless.
The bottom line is this… no one buys something unless they know it will benefit them.
Think about it… would anyone actually drink Redbull if they didn’t understand the benefit of getting a jolt of caffeinated energy?
This stuff taste like anti-freeze.
Step by Step Landing Page Design is a 20,000(ish) word eBook that contains my 10 Step process that is going to guide you through the “shortcut” technique of writing and structuring every single element on your entire landing page.
The result? An effective landing page that convinces a high number of people to sign up for your product.
And if you’re looking for a solution to the “visual design” side of your landing page, I’m also offering a fully responsive, Bootstrap enabled HTML template (which I specially refer to throughout the book).
But... this landing page template will only be available until this Friday at midnight EST.
Why? Because I don't want to water down the value of this template by selling it to anyone at anytime. I'm sure you don't want your landing page looking identical to your competitors, right?
This step is all about defining who your landing page is for, which will have the biggest impact on how you design it.
Here you’ll learn how to define the single purpose of your landing page, and why it’s so important.
In this step, you’ll learn how to write an attention grabbing headline and why it’s vital you include these specific elements.
Learn to write a supporting headline which gives context to your main headline.
Imagine a car commercial with no cars? Here you’ll learn how (and where) to properly represent your product visually.
This is the bullseye of your landing page. Learn to write and design a button that demands people’s attention (and clicks).
This step is all about positioning your reader to be much more inclined to see your product as the solution they’ve been waiting for.
A lot of people have hesitations about signing up for something new. This step will help you prove to those people you can deliver what you’re promising.
By this point you’ve got all your elements, now you need to lay them out correctly. Learn where (and why) things should go in this order.
Your landing page is worthless if you’re not keeping track of how many people it’s converting. Here you’ll learn to set up goal tracking and your page’s conversion rate.
You get the full 20,000 (ish) word eBook (PDF Format) plus you'll also get the fully responsive, Bootstrap enabled HTML template AND a feedback review video from me on your landing page design.
15 Day 100%
Money Back Gaurantee.
You get the full 20,000 (ish) word eBook (PDF Format) plus you'll also get the fully responsive, Bootstrap enabled HTML template which is only available for a limited time.
15 Day 100%
Money Back Gaurantee.
You get the full 20,000 (ish) word eBook (PDF Format) that contains my 10 step process for building a highly effective landing page for your product.
15 Day 100%
Money Back Gaurantee.
Here’s the deal, I wrote this book because I genuinely want to help people.
As I’ve mentioned before, I do landing page review videos, and after seeing a ton of people suffering from poor landing page designs, I wanted to create a resource to help them fix this problem.
So the thing is… if this book doesn’t help you… I don’t want to take your money.
Could you be a jerk and buy the book, get your money back, and keep the book anyways?
Sure. If you’re okay with being a jerk for your whole life, then be my guest.
But every package I sell here comes with a 15 day money back guarantee.
If you purchase the book, read it, and aren’t able to put into action what you learn because you don’t understand, then simply send me an email and I’ll issue you a refund.
You get the full 20,000 (ish) word, 10 Step eBook, the fully responsive, Bootstrap enabled HTML template, plus you'll get a 20 - 30 minute landing page reivew session from me. Once you finish your design, you send me the URL and I record a video giving you feedback on what is working and what isn't.
The landing page review session has a value of $89 USD, so this is a great way to grab this at a discounted rate (plus get a book and template along with it).
15 Day 100% Money Back Gaurantee.
You get the full 20,000 (ish) word book plus you'll also get the fully responsive, Bootstrap enabled HTML template which is only available for a limited time.
15 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You get the full 20,000 (ish) word book which teaches you the exact 10 step method for creating an effective landing page to use as a tool for growth and success.
15 Day 100% Money Back Gaurantee.